Forensic Handwriting and Document Examiner


       Liberty Investigative Services is dedicated to offering independent forensic document examination services in a timely manner.  We provide expert opinion regarding author identification or the authenticity of signatures and documents in question.

        There is no charge for your initial consultation.  For most cases a confidential verbal opinion will be provided within 48-72 hours.  If necessary a written letter of opinion can be requested.

       To discuss retaining my services for an examination of handwriting or documents in question please contact by email or phone:   


Debra Dunlap, CFDE

Liberty Investigative Services

Handwriting and Questioned Document Examination Services

PO Box 826

Ottawa, KS 66067




    PO Box 826   Ottawa, KS 66067

Magna est Veritas et Praevalet

"Truth is Great, It will Prevail"



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